Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Listening to Sounds

Kiaora whanau
We have been learning to listen and identify sounds that we can hear. Everyday we practise using our ears to listen to sounds. We started off with listening to environmental sounds, then later moved on to listening to rhyming words from our poems and now we are learning how to listen to sounds made through body percussion. This week we had Joslin and Kim come to teach us different ways to listen. Learning is so much fun. Listening can be very challenging so we are still practising really hard. 
Listening to Rhyming words from our poem
Listening to the sounds using body percussion
Listening to the sounds through story telling

Weaving Portraits

In Week 7 we learnt to weave using a portrait of ourselves. We learnt to follow a pattern and to make sure that our strips were the same size. Some of us found this a challenge but we all gave it a go. 
Here are some photos of us giving it a go. 

Celebrating our Support Staff

Kia Ora family and friends

This term we celebrated and acknowledged our support staff. In our class we are very lucky to have Whaea Sonia who supports us with our learning. We are very grateful to her for EVERYTHING that she does for us. We don't say "thank-you" enough and we know that she works just as hard as our teacher. Thank - you Whaea Sonia and to the rest of the support staff for coming to school every day and for looking after us.